Du scolaire

Mon diplôme !

Mon diplôme !

Ces derniers temps il n’y a pas eu d’autres événements marquants à part peut-être le prize giving (remise des diplômes) jeudi soir dernier. Les filles recevaient un certificat ou un trophée selon leurs résulats de l’année. Il y en a qui les ont collectionné ! C’était très cérémonial, les profs sont arrivés dans une sorte de toge, il y a eu une prière maori, l’hymne national (dont je commence à connaitre l’air) et même quelques danses. C’était aussi long (3h) mais je me dis que c’était qu’une seule fois dans ma vie que j’avais l’occasion de voir ça ! A la fin toutes les Year 13 (dernières années) pleuraient parce que ça voulait dire que le lycée était définitivement finit pour elles, émouvant ! Finalement même moi j’ai eu le droit à un petit papier (celui de la photo) j’ai trouvé ça mignon ahah même si la personne qui m’a appelé ne savait évidemment pas prononcer mon nom

En parlant de scolarité je vais aussi avouer que j’ai reçu mon bulletin de note ! Enfin plus exactement mon report (parce que ici ils n’ont pas de notes comme nous, c’est le modèle américain). Je l’ai recopié ci-dessous, bonne chance pour traduire 🙂

Prof principal : « Anne-Sophie has a fantastic attitude, and this is mirrored in her report. Have a fantastic break and we will see you in 2014 »


Prof d’anglais : « Anne-Sophie is cheerful and friendly student. In this reporting period, the focus has been forming developed personal reponses to independently read texts, Achievement Standard 2.9. Despite English being a second language, Anne-Sophie has completed some responses which indicate she has understood the text she is reading. Her next step is to organise and plan how to write the responses with a clear structure. It has been a pleasure to teach Anne-Sophie and I wish her well for the future. »


Prof de mode : « Anne-Sophie is a beautiful student with a willing to learn new skills and techniques. Unfortunately Anne-Sophie came into this subject when the remainder of the classe were finishing a major assignment. This not only affected the development of skills that would have been made available, but the opportunity to construct a garment that would have created a new area of challenges. If she were to take this subject next year a new set of skills through pattern making and decorating fabrics would be achieved. Anne-Sophie has been a delight to teach. »


Prof de photo : « Anne-Sophie has been delightful addition to our Photography class. She has produced some beautiful word and developed her ideas well. She has made a real effort to learn Photoshop techniques in her own time and she caught up very quickly due to willigness to do homework and her fabulous organisation skills. Anne-Sophie is weel-liked, friendly and adaptable person. She should be very proud the way she has settled into life in New Zealand and at our school. Well done Anne-Sophie ! »


Prof de peinture : « Anne-Sophie has taken her time to adjustt to learning a new subject in a new country. She is developing a sound range of art skills. She is last initating her own work and it is pleasing to see her growing confidence. It has been a pleasure to have in class and I hope she will continue with painting next year and build on her skills. »


Prof de cuisine : « Anne-Sophie is a respectfull and friendly student who has continued to grow with confidence over the past two terms. Her language and writing have improved, producing pleasing results. Anne-Sophie’s pratictal skills are improving slowly and she is gaining confidence in her ability to produce successful outcomes in a timely manner. I have enjoyed having Anne-Sophie in my class and wish her the best for 2014 »

Voila pour les commentaires des profs 🙂 Sinon je suis maintenant en vacances, il fait un grand soleil et demain je vais aller faire ma première journée au Charity Shop !